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free warehouse中文是什么意思

用"free warehouse"造句"free warehouse"怎么读"free warehouse" in a sentence


  • 普通仓库


  • In addition to direct control over the sinotex duty - free warehouse in waigaoqiao free trade zone , the sinotex warehouse on taihe road baoshan district , and the professional cargo and custom clearance agents , it has established distribution centers in jiangyin ( jiangsu province ) , jiaxing ( zhejiang province ) , taishan ( shandong province ) , nanhai ( guangdong province ) , and tianjin
  • Shenzhen state - owned duty - free lijing enterprise co . , ltd . mainly operates logistics and distribution services , its business scope covers domestic commerce , material supply and sales , import and export , cigarettes , wines and spirits supply and sales , duty free commodity warehousing , export supervising warehouse and city - wide goods transportation , duty free warehouse leasing , public duty free warehouse , etc
用"free warehouse"造句  


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